Sunday, May 08, 2005

Holy Cow!

Man a lot has happened this last month. And I haven't written about any of it! Not to mention it's getting to that time of year when you look around and realize, "Crap I have to eat ALL that stuff in the fridge in the next 5 weeks?!"

So I was trolling the many Blogs that I have links to and as usual it has given me the push I needed to share my inner monologue. That and the fact that I have 3 sets of Bogey's to correct and 2 labs that have to be given back to the kids tomorrow and the final chink in the chain, a good cup of coffee that I haven't indulged in since the last time I sat still long enough to post. Last time I posted I was in Seoul, sadly I posted to the wrong blog, so it looks like I'm an even bigger slacker. But I should get some props for all the photos I posted right?

Well in retrospect I haven't really dealt with the inner working of living in a Korean culture as much as I have dealt with living in a small Christian community. After being here for almost a year now (God is that possible?) I've realized that I am the fish in the tank.

I've given up on learning Korean, though I still feel a bit of a need to learn. I have stopped eating Korean food and have built up a stockpile of chicken breasts and salmon steaks in my fridge. Whenever a Korean assuming I too am Korean tries to speak to me I merely stare blankly, shrug my shoulders and say, "English?" And my all impressive ability to NOT play the 'Lets save face game.' Whatever happened to trying to integrate? My answer TCIS. We were never forced to try it on our own so now that we can we don't want to. Not to mention that I spend about 6.5 days a week working because, and I soooooo hate this, it's my duty. RAH! But enough of that let's talk about this last month. Let's see April, April, April....hmmmmmm.

*Almost for got to mention Twin Day. I asked Rita to be my twin originally since people are getting us mixed up pretty regularly. Well jokingly she mentioned that she was already going to be twins with Ryan Cordell. HA ha! didn't catch the joke so I asked Zach he was game for some silliness. At which point I find out that I have left Rita high and dry so we became triplets. Ni-ce!


Anonymous Anonymous said... here is the deal...looks like Im the only one to comment. Hope this works...good to hear from you. Are you planning to be in Fresno for a wedding on August 6th? Cause if you were already gonna be could come to mine! :) Catch you soon...stay safe, and remember to have fun, and speak Korean.
Michelle D.

4:53 AM

Blogger Ryan said...

Wait a minute, was I the punchline to a joke? Does that make me cool or a complete dork?

4:21 PM


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