Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Thank GOD! Spring is coming

As I sit on my heated floor and listen to the ticking of my "new" old Mao alarm clock (direct form Beijing thank's Lupita!) and I understand what it would be like to be a snake. My beautiful bronze tan is peeling away ever so slowly while I scratch at ever part of my back that I can reach.

But the real news is that as usual I'm freaking out about work and all that is being piled upon me there. I'm freaking out so hard that I forget about all the things that I should be enjoying. Dinner with friends, suntans from vacations, spoils of shopping trips, flowers blooming, things that make me laugh out loud, love of kitties and many, many, many, many other things in life. So I suppose I need to"Accentuate the positive....."


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