Thursday, October 28, 2004

Did I mention I had no math degree???!!!

Did nobody notice I don't have a math degree! Yet again a case of people looking at my math grades and thinking that I am good at it. Don't you understand I SUCK AT MATH! The only reason I have those grades is because I worked my butt off to memorize a formula! I can't apply it, I can't teach it, I can't write a proof to save my life!

Now not only do I feel like an idiot for doing this. I'm creating so much stress and anxiety for these poor 6th graders they are going to have complexes for the rest of their lives!

No one seems to listen when I express my limitations. I know when enough is enough and when I'm gonna be in over my head before I even start. Why won't you people listen! I'm not being modest or humble or even underestemating myself. It was the same deal with Physics and sure enough I had to take the whole dumb course twice!


Blogger JamDaddy said...

Sounds like you have a stretch goal for the year. Maybe stretch the covers over your head and hide, lol. Good luck and try not to ruin to many young minds.

5:14 AM

Blogger Alicia said...

I hate physics as well~~~~
For me it was mostly a bad teacher who made it all math instead of reality. >,<''

7:02 PM


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