Friday, January 07, 2005

Men! Get on the Ball!!

So I was sitting around today feeling a little blah and thought I would thumb through my Blue Day Directory before heading back to work. And for fun I thought it would be fun to add a new category, one for favorite kiss moments. Figuring that this would be any easy page to fill.

Yeah, I got ONE.

Let me repeat, "I have had one unforgettable kiss in my 27 years."

Now I can troll through my memories of Clark Gable, George Clooney, Carrie Grant and Matthew Broderick and fill pages but my memories, ONE and that was from when I was 16.

You may think it merely has to do with my age but really check it out.

After an impromptu drive to Yosemite on a Friday afternoon Dave, said kisser, took me on a hike up some trail he had found to this huge, rocky waterfall that had dried out over the summer. So we sat a spell on the falls watching the sun sink into the Sierra Nevadas and looking over the rest of the valley. He was sitting behind me with his arms around my shoulders and as the sun slipped the final few centimeters into the horizon he turned my head toward his face and kissed me.

Now tell me I'm just being young?

Men of the 21st century I offer you a challenge !!
Kiss women! Kiss them with abandon, kiss them with fervor and kiss them often. Kiss them on mountain tops and kiss them before they get into your car. Kiss them at the first inkling of passion and kiss them before they have your first child. Make the world stop for a moment and make it something Nicholas Sparks would write about. Because if he could use it then you can guarantee that we will remember it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It didn't work. He still won't kiss me. Thanks for trying. I agree wholeheartedly. Love, Luna

6:46 AM


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