Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Ninah Shaped Hole

So there's a Ninah shaped dent in my couch from coming home and crawling into the fetal position with my favorite feather pillow. (Just want all of you to know that this pillow has been through more than any normal pillow has been asked to do and therefore deserves massive recognition) When Sleeping Beauty was finally awakened from her slumber by her William Tell Overture ringtone and was invited for a walk to Starbuck's she turned it down.

Sidebar: If I turn down trips to coffee shops and bookstores something is wrong, VERY wrong and you should check me in to Betty Ford or the local emergency room ASAP. End Sidebar. You can now acknowledge the fact that something is wrong and a chocolate IV is needed STAT! In an attempt to rectify the awakening and the refusal of coffee I had the pleasure of pulling out a yummy creamy chocolate cakey goodness with a strawberry on top that I received from a parent this VERY afternoon.

Said Creamy Cakey Goodness See how it glows....

I must say that there was much food enjoyment with the best to come, the last bite. I always save the best for last so that I can let it squish and melt in my mouth which lets the love linger that much longer. Anyway I was so ready for that last bite. The perfect size with a bit of strawberry, and angled so that the creamy top was larger than the cakey bottom by the slightest bit.

And then it happened, the sickening "SMACK" of the best little creamy cakey goodness with a strawberry on top that I have had all week falls from it's perch on my plate to the floor....TOP DOWN! RAAAAAA!!!! NOOOOOO! This can't be! What will I do.....

I can't cope, I must return to the Ninah shaped dent and hope that Stella enjoys that perfect last bite, 'cuz I sure ain't.


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