Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Dr. Who?

Have to say this is one of those tough posts to write, I'm not really sure how to present it other than barreling through it like some sort of medicine that has to be taken. Sadly it shouldn't be like this after all I am talking about happy albeit bittersweet memories.

But here goes, "Pinch the nose, open wide and swallow hard."

One of the few consistent, happy memories I have of time spent with my father includes watching NOVA and Dr. Who on PBS. (Right there it should be a clue that I was destined to be a dork but really what does an 8 year old know.) Anyway I remember how whenever He was around it was always something to look forward to. It never came on at a decent hour since even back then it was not really a part of popular TV. I think it may have come on after NOVA, thus the memories of the NOVA logo but not any of the show, and moonlight in the windows. But since it was late I got to stay up past any predetermined bedtime and hunker down under blankets and watch Dr. Who in his time machine even when my eyelids were so heavy with sleep that I had to squirm every few minutes to stay awake. What brings on this nostagia you ask?

Well now in 2005 they have brought the show back and I have downloaded the first few episodes. I'm hoping that the show lives up to childhood expectations of the previous Dr. Who. We shall see and if it does I will have to tip my hat to my Father and give him props for raising a proper SciFi child.

On a different note...

Crystal brought coffee from Vietnam back to Korea for me and I have to say that this is some SERIOUS stuff. It's dark, it's oily, it's thick without even trying and I love it! Charley has brought me some of his "Vietcong Tunnel Juice" before but this is definitely different. The only way I can describe it is that it is a coffee I would take up smoking for. It would just complement it well along with a ratty paged novel from some 70's beatniks. Coffee & Cigarettes anyone?


Blogger Ryan said...

coffee and cigarettes was such a strange little trip.

6:45 PM


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