Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Okay so I thought I would steal this from another blog I was reading and share it with you all since I now have a hand phone and let me tell you that's a story. Sadly a story that has yet to be published since my computer decided to "refresh" it while I was working. But you may find this useful.

Calls from U.S. to Korean Cell Phone
OK, here are the results. With 10-10-987, my wife called a Korean cell phone (Speed 011) for 35 minutes for $1.79. That's roughly 5 cents per minute. Compare that to when I called a cell phone in Korea using direct dial through AT&T and it was about $2.50 a minute. Save that money and use 10-10-987! As you can see below, calls during business hours may be more expensive - not sure how the phone company breaks it down.Here are the details (times are Pacific Time Zone):5:47 pm 35 mins $1.797:44 am 5 mins $0.91
posted by J. Washam


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