Monday, September 06, 2004

Korean Brutally Beaten @ ATM, film @ 11

So I had my first of no doubt many "cultural misunderstandings" where I attempt to keep my cool but truly want to be a rude american. Was stopping at the ATM on my way home things went from dead to people waiting in "line". So this guy decides that I am at the machine that he would like to use and I am taking too long. So he get right up behind me and does that whole personal space pressure thing. I just glared at him through the LARGE mirror that is the wall behind the ATM. To no effect it seems because when I bend over to put my $ in my backpack he starts using the ATM! When I stand up this guy is pretty much giving me a hug he's so close. So I get my stuff done and walk out, but I just had this desire to give this jerk a verbal lashing! I mean come on does it look like I want you in my back pocket while I pull cash out? I felt like treating him like one of my 6th grades and point to the otherside of the room and saying, "chogi!" (there!) OR in english get all black attitiude in his face and be like, "Do you know what personal space is? Get out of mine!" So yeah had to buy some yummys at the kagae to make things better.

Wow feeling much better!


Blogger JamDaddy said...

I can relate. Seems like some people just love to do that. From a line at the Super Market to the ATM to where ever else you need some personal space. I think smacking them should be fair game. Can you play innocent like you thought it was a Korean custom to smack annoying ATM customers?

12:19 PM


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