Thursday, November 11, 2004

Pepero Day

Here's a link to a little Pepero Propaganda.

Now you all know how I love random holidays thanks to Ms. Cheryl Bell but on the flip side hate corporate sponsored holidays that only desire you to purchase items and ostracize those around you that don't meet some standard we have created for gift giving.

With that in mind I would like to wish all of you a "Happy Pepero Day!". Currently a corporate sponsored holiday that is still novel and thus something I thought I'd share with y'all.

Now at this point I'm sure you are all asking, "WTHeck is Pepero and why are we celebrating it?" Short story long Pepero is a long bread stick dipped in chocolate that can range in size from 6 inches to about 12 inches. Some don't taste too bad others, well they taste like wet cardboard. And it seems to be the tradition to hand them out on Nov 11th (11/11) since all the 11's look like Pepero sticks. Other than that the only other reason is so that Lotte can boost sales once a year on some cheap cookie stuff.

As I was sitting at lunch talking this over with some of the Korean employees I found out about some of the other Korean "holidays". A month after V-Day, don't even get me started, is a holiday called "White Day" this is when all the boys get to give chocolates to the girls. "Now if you're asking yourself, "Why don't the boys give chocolate to the girls on V-day?". It's because 'only grrrrls get to give chocolate to the boys on V-day.' Brother, can you see the social implications of that one. Then so the singletons aren't left out a month after white days is "Black Noodle Day", this is when we get to eat noodles with black bean paste on them. No doubt to denote the blackness in our lives with out the comfort of another human to share it with. GIVE ME STRENGTH! Ugh so now instead of just having to deal with V-day there are two more I have to suffer through!

Enough of that, Happy Pepero Day to you all.


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