Sunday, February 13, 2005

A pathetic excuse for an adult

Yep that's me, one sad excuse for 27. So I've finally broken down and bought a vacuum to hopefully reduce the gross amount of cat hair that seems to lilt through my apartment daily. Suppose that should have been done about 3 months ago or more but you all know me and picking out stuff. It takes me hours to decide on a new detergent and that's when it's all in English. Imagine the process when it's happening in Korean. Yeah your huffing and rolling your eyes as we speak and in your head I hear it, "Why God, why? Can't this woman EVER make a decision in under 5 minutes!!??"


But it's done and I'm 70 bucks poorer. Not to mention that suddenly I am going through my junk food junky stage that most went through in 5th grade. I now eat PB & J on a spoon out of the jars. Gross I know but I can't help it, I'm finally addicted to refined sugar and carbs! THIS is what Korea has done to me.



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