Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Unrelated to Living in Korea..

So got an ecopy of the Alumni news letter today in my mailbox. Gotta love the simple, concise, virtually useless information that I am provided with in this newsletter. Now to cover my butt, I'd like to say that the information is not virtually useless in the sense that NO ONE could use it, it's just that being in South Korea does not lend itself to basketball games, luncheons and programs to adopt a student, ya know?

But I digress, "The Accent" often has articles written by former students or about hip and happening things that involve former students and I thought, "Hmmm I wonder how many of us have blogs?" So I thought I would do a little search for "MNU blogs" little reaizing the irony that the net had in store for me.

HA HA- Again I forget that acryonyms often mean different things to different people. Though to me MNU=Midamerica Nazarene University, for the rest of the world MNU= Message Not Understood. Now stop and ponder this one for a minute.....

K, if there is no irony in this statement for you please stop reading as the rest of this post does not pertain to you.

Who's still here? Ah, thank you sir in the back, for you I will contine. Now as you know MNU's (and I mean the school) message is about peace, love and homoginization of your local christian for the rest of the world. And as someone who ran around campus ranting for a full 2 years, "YOU CAN NOT TURN ME INTO A GLASS OF MILK!" I laughed a heartly laugh when I saw this little gem. No longer will I have to wear my classring on my middle finger, no more do I have to take blood pressure pills whenever I think of "back in college", and I am SO done with the rants about how I could have paid cash for a house/SUV/small island with the amount I spent there. Because now I know that from the minute that they changed the sign and we went from being MANCer's to MNUer's that for me "the MESSAGE would NOT be UNDERSTOOD."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like to think that I am the guy in the back row. I'll never look at MNU the same. Have fun with the half days.

11:57 PM


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