Thursday, March 03, 2005

Looked up today

So I looked up today while I was walking home and suddenly felt lost. No, not lost like "What is my purpose in life ?" lost just plain old "Hmm where am I again? Did I make a wrong turn? How did I end up here?" lost. Yeah it's been that long since it was nice enough to stick my little turtle head out of my coat and scarf long enough to take a good look at the rest of the world. In my defense the last time I looked up people had a lot more foliage around there places and I couldn't count window's.

I also tried to by banana's today. The infamous "set" problem reared it's ugly head again. Unlike The States where you can purchase 1 banana at a time or 50 banana's in a shot here you get what they sell. The store I chose to stop at was selling them in like "sets" of 15-18. So it was either buy the whole set or call the whole search "fruitless" and head home. And never one to do anything that is fruitless I purchased the whole bunch.

So now I ask you what do I do with all these banana's??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Niners....

First of all, what are "The *uck Chronicles"? Intriguing!

Second, gimme some black bananas, and I'll make some banana bread with em. Or you can do it. But I'm ready, willing--and yea--able.

This IS Drew. No need to guess this time.

5:23 AM


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