Sunday, November 28, 2004

Richard Dean Anderson is HOT!

So the other night as I walked home from work I took my usual path that to most would be taken for a back alley street,not so. But I digress, as I walked home I saw a light ahead of me before an intersection with multiple shops. As I walked passed I noticed a table out with what looked like the current wares from market, some oranges, bread, kams, but not enough to sell and certainly not by candle light. So my brain is going through all the options and like a person watching an accident I kept on looking. As I stared it hit me, I'm looking at a pig face on a plate! I was taken completely aback. Realizing this was the family altar for the evening I had the urge to stop and take a picture but then also at the same time realized how completely rude that would be. So here I sit sharing the story and wondering if I will ever feel less like I am in "Lord of the Flies".


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