Thursday, September 22, 2005

SO much to say...and feeling a little spastic

You know that problem procrastinators tend to have? You know the one where you put something off for so long that you then have no idea where to begin or what to add, cut, or otherwise share? Well that's this post. I have been ignoring this site for so many reasons, some that I don't even know. But the bottom line is that I am currently living a boring life and it's kinda nice.

There's no way to know what I would be posting right now if I was still in Korea. Would I have lost my mind by now and be rambling on about how much I hate my job? Would I have adjusted and be finding Korea not such a bad place to live? Would I have run off to London to join a troop of gypsies? Or Thailand to become a beach bum? I don't know.

But the place where I am is working out pretty well and I have to thank God for that. I have a feeling of freedom that I haven't had for a while. I get to make my schedule (without the aid of a translator), I can drive when I please and where I please. I get to garden. I again have some shopping self restraint (but only a little).

Ahhh but then again I have picked up some bad habits too. I have to HUNT down wi-fi so there are some evenings I look like a cheap-skate sitting in the Panera parking lot after 10 PM. I again watch WAY too much TV. Not to mention that I now have an AM line up as well as a PM line up. And there's many more but really, I can't give away ALL my good secrets now can I?

But soon my life of leisure will be ending since I have to find gainful employment. Substituting and Starbuck's are what I've settled for. Now before you go putting your two cents in (and somehow manage to stick your foot in your mouth) these are the choices that I feel for this time period are the best for me. And I am looking forward to them. I wanted to stay low stress and yet not have to consider pregnancy to gain government assistance as a 3rd job option. I think this is going to allow me to do that. Plus, really, me with the equivalent of a coffee i.v. you gotta know this is something close to heaven for me. Other than that I'm just trying to stay out of trouble, ya dig?