Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Ninah Shaped Hole

So there's a Ninah shaped dent in my couch from coming home and crawling into the fetal position with my favorite feather pillow. (Just want all of you to know that this pillow has been through more than any normal pillow has been asked to do and therefore deserves massive recognition) When Sleeping Beauty was finally awakened from her slumber by her William Tell Overture ringtone and was invited for a walk to Starbuck's she turned it down.

Sidebar: If I turn down trips to coffee shops and bookstores something is wrong, VERY wrong and you should check me in to Betty Ford or the local emergency room ASAP. End Sidebar. You can now acknowledge the fact that something is wrong and a chocolate IV is needed STAT! In an attempt to rectify the awakening and the refusal of coffee I had the pleasure of pulling out a yummy creamy chocolate cakey goodness with a strawberry on top that I received from a parent this VERY afternoon.

Said Creamy Cakey Goodness See how it glows....

I must say that there was much food enjoyment with the best to come, the last bite. I always save the best for last so that I can let it squish and melt in my mouth which lets the love linger that much longer. Anyway I was so ready for that last bite. The perfect size with a bit of strawberry, and angled so that the creamy top was larger than the cakey bottom by the slightest bit.

And then it happened, the sickening "SMACK" of the best little creamy cakey goodness with a strawberry on top that I have had all week falls from it's perch on my plate to the floor....TOP DOWN! RAAAAAA!!!! NOOOOOO! This can't be! What will I do.....

I can't cope, I must return to the Ninah shaped dent and hope that Stella enjoys that perfect last bite, 'cuz I sure ain't.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ninah Butler or Clark Kent?

Thinkin bout buying some new specks. Partly cuz I wanna get in touch with my inner geek (Manda & Sara remember meeting her in O.Chem???) and because they are cheap here. Everyone (you know who you are) seems to like to joke that I have this whole Clark/Superman thing going since no one sees me in specks. So here are the two frame choices I was looking at I also want to get light blue lenses so that the worlds all fun and crisp.

And here's where all of you come in, VOTE! tell me what you think, otherwise I will be forced to make fashin decisions on my own.

Choice 2

Choice 1

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Getting over it...Part 1

Well I was talking today to thus far one of the only people in the world that could stand to live with me and I realized that I have gotten to the place where the whole tsunami experience is feeling more like a dream than reality. Don't get me wrong, when I hear stories I still have this unstoppable urge to cry, but on the whole when I look back and I don't get the glazed, stunned, unspeaking playbacks of what it was like. My first few retellings of the story involved a lot of that.

And then I decided to look back at the Lanta Divers Website and felt inspired to write about it. But before I start here's the link to pics and here's a link to their story. Pretty uplifting on the whole. And frankly more interesting to look at then mine. But I digress.

So, yeah, the tsunami. I have to say that right off the bad I have to fault myself for being "A Stupid American Tourist" we always here about them and I was one. So Jamie and I woke up about 10ish and were getting ready to go round the island and check it out. I was in the shower and I heard this amazing rush of water and then some screams. I threw on some clothes and ran onto the porch to be greeted with a flooded courtyard.

My response? "Ooh I better get my camera and take some pictures!"

So there I stood on the porch looking at water about a foot deep and people in their right minds with their packs on their backs while I waited for the next wave to come so I could get a better shot. Bout the time we saw/heard the next wave coming in Jamie and I heard panic screams for us to "Hurry!" and "Get in, come on!" To which we reply, "But we don't have any stuff?! Let us get something!" That's when people started looking at us like we were crazy and if we didn't comply they were going to drag us by our ears into the truck. So we jumped off the porch, ran through the water and climbed into the truck before the 2nd wave got to us.

As I, arm around a complete stranger, sat on the edge of an F-150 sided truck filled with backpacks, people and a silence that only intensified our worst fears it began to dawn on me what REALLY was going on. No, this was not a flooded basement, or a river that had risen, this was the ocean and it was pissed! And I was scared. Ton was driving was like a madman up roads to a place that was safe and dry.

When we got to high ground I realized the predicament that Jamie and I were in. We had the clothes on our backs, shoes (more than some had) and a camera. A camera! of all the dumb things to be carrying around. EVERYTHING we had was at the resort and for all we knew that didn't exist anymore and at very best everything was drenched in seawater and debris. So we sat, tried to calm down and thank God for the fact that we were alive. In the midst of worrying about passports and arriving in below zero Korea with a swimsuit and flip-flops on it dawned on me I was worried about things that, though expensive and sentimental, were replaceable. The people that had saved us and been so kind the last week had potentially lost everything and would have to start with nothing.

Now for a brief tangent;
As an American when I think about having my home, business and family destroyed I then think of insurance, government aid and back up plans. There is none of this in Thailand or Sri Lanka or India or any of the other places that were hit. This is something that we are privileged to have in the States and something that I took for granted until this event. End of rant, return to story.

After that the potential loss of my belongings really meant nothing and I just sat back and let the tears flow. But you can only cry for so long and then you have to laugh to keep yourself sane. So laugh I did and then Jamie and I were blessed beyond measure when all of our belongings were returned to us, dry and untouched by the tsunami. Now despite this blessing we still didn't know what was up or what we could do so we spent the next few hours hanging out, bonding with strangers, reading and eating. All with an edge of tension and a somber mood that we couldn't shake.

Sometime around 4 o'clock Noh and Ton told us they were going to take us to a place that was safe but closer to the resort to spend the night. The place they took us made me laugh because it SO reminded me of being in Mexico. The building was a 1/2 finished house with concrete floors laid, brick walls and a roof/porch with rebar sticking out of it. Ah, home sweet home. Ton and Noh went back to the resort quite a few times that day to get peoples luggage, lunch and then blankets, mats and one of the best meals that I have ever been able to eat. So there we were, close enough to the ocean to see it but out of harms way.

Ugh, so tired. Have to continue later. Hopefully even with grades due soon, I'll make it back before you all loose interest.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Hump Day

So I've spent my evening geeking out after spending a day geeking out. Visited Wil Wheaton's Blog at work (SSSSHHH!!!!) cuz I can't get past the fact that the hottest boy of my sad teenage life is now married, a writer and a blogger. But while parousing his site I found yet another to keep me busy. And I have to say I laughed, I got my sarchasm fix and I now have the insatiable desire to be a smartass. Good thing I know that the mouth I post with is the same mouth I have to kiss my mother with, dam.

On another note it seems that all is back to normal in emailville, now that y'all know I'm not dead it's back to dead air and spam from Southwest. God love it!

Addendum: Men! Get on the Ball!!

So an excerpt from "Taylor McKnight" a man who gets what I'm sayin' ya kno?!

01.10.05 Why I listen to Indie Pop
"Don't get me wrong, this is not like your first throbbing sexfest that stung for days. It's more like the first time your fingers hooked into the cold hand of another and as your slightly sweaty indexes lock, a patient, content, cat-like smile rushes across your ready-licked lips waiting for that kiss. The kiss that makes every kiss since lack. And I dunno about you, but I want the music I listen to, to glow and flow and be those feelings."

K, well sorta, so he's talking about music but this is from a guy so I'm willing to cut him some slack.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005



K so it seems since coming back to Korea I have managed to spend an insane amount of time online reading peoples blogs and posting nothing on mine.

So here it is, "I'm cold and it's January."

Those are the high points. Yeah, we actually got a decent amount of snow last night and in proper California style it seems I'm the only person as TCIS that isn't enjoying it. All I think if when I see snow is ice and me at the chiropractor because I have fallen yet again on my bum. Still trying to get back into the mode of teaching, though when I sit at my desk and see my empty planner it almost like deja vu. Again.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Last Day of Freedom

So I know that I have managed to avoid posting all the craziness from Thailand still partly because there seems to be so much to say and not enough room to post it all and partly because after hearing so many other stories mine seems like one that is hardly worth telling. I buried no bodies, I saw no towering waves and I lost nothing. I'm sure I will though since I did manage to write it all down in my journal while I was there.

But as for today, the last day before schoolwide meetings and kids with excuses as to why they didn't get their assignments done, I have to say that it hasn't been too exciting. Went to church, went to lunch, graded papers and then went to the store.

The whole time dreading the moments that were slipping through my fingers that I could not get back to fill with adventure. Yeah, I have to say that even though I had some excitement and seemed to scare just about everyone I know I still want to go out and explore the world some more.

I want to learn to dance in South America
I want to drink coffee in Columbia or Hawaii or BOTH
I want to see the sunrise on the Serengeti
I want to scuba dive in Shark Bay Australia
I want to fall in love in Paris
I want to cry in Germany
I want to find wild jasmine in China

So much, so many people, so many tastes, so many
sounds. And I have only just begun.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Men! Get on the Ball!!

So I was sitting around today feeling a little blah and thought I would thumb through my Blue Day Directory before heading back to work. And for fun I thought it would be fun to add a new category, one for favorite kiss moments. Figuring that this would be any easy page to fill.

Yeah, I got ONE.

Let me repeat, "I have had one unforgettable kiss in my 27 years."

Now I can troll through my memories of Clark Gable, George Clooney, Carrie Grant and Matthew Broderick and fill pages but my memories, ONE and that was from when I was 16.

You may think it merely has to do with my age but really check it out.

After an impromptu drive to Yosemite on a Friday afternoon Dave, said kisser, took me on a hike up some trail he had found to this huge, rocky waterfall that had dried out over the summer. So we sat a spell on the falls watching the sun sink into the Sierra Nevadas and looking over the rest of the valley. He was sitting behind me with his arms around my shoulders and as the sun slipped the final few centimeters into the horizon he turned my head toward his face and kissed me.

Now tell me I'm just being young?

Men of the 21st century I offer you a challenge !!
Kiss women! Kiss them with abandon, kiss them with fervor and kiss them often. Kiss them on mountain tops and kiss them before they get into your car. Kiss them at the first inkling of passion and kiss them before they have your first child. Make the world stop for a moment and make it something Nicholas Sparks would write about. Because if he could use it then you can guarantee that we will remember it.

Monday, January 03, 2005

An email from a Soul Sista'

Dear Ninah,

You sure have a lot of people here and there who love you and care about you. You have more family spread all over the world than anyone else I know. I got quite a few responses to my frantic "where is Ninah?" e-mail.

Sunday night when I was so worried I couldn't sleep wondering if you were dead or seriously maimed, something popped into my head. A scenario I remembered of a gorgeous freezing cold summer day on the beach. There were some little adventurous kids showing us tiny sea stars they had found behind a huge rock. We were all facing the ocean with the rock behind us (not the best predicament to be in by the Pacific Ocean). Suddenly a huge wave came toward us. Olga lost the ability to speak English, or any other language for that matter and failed to warn us. So the wave swept up and I held onto the kids best I could.

But, where oh where had my Ninah gone? Straight up that rock like some kind of mountain goat. I never knew you could climb like that. And there you stayed safe and dry looking down on us. Which is how I found out you are less afraid of heights than being swept away by the ocean.

I fell asleep thinking, my Ninah has the ability to climb up any dry surface she can find. You sure have a way of finding danger and still keeping yourself in one piece. I miss you tons.

Love, Luna

What what's this? A pic?? Want more, check the link below. BTW this is Roberta and Me on my first ride in a Tuk Tuk~and you all thought MY driving was scary!!

Safely home and many lessons learned

Well I've done it. I've traveled out of Korea and made it back alive, there were a few obsticals but here I am and ready to share. I've had a chance to rethink a lot of things and process this thing called life, but I'm not quite ready to put it all on paper or the internet so you'll just have to wait a bit, sorry.

I am making an attempt to get pictures out so check out what's there and come back for more later.
In addition here's a travelpod from a bloke I met at Merry Hut, get some insight and thoughts on Thailand from someone new.