Friday, April 29, 2005

For u I....leave town

Found this hiding on the photoblog site and figured I should put it back where it belonged.

So Rita planed a fun trip to Seoul. weve had a blast and stayed here. today we Coex it maybe a little free market and as always MEXICAN!! Well I'm the last one ready so i better scoot. everyone else is in the hall bags packed.

Kiss kiss

Monday, April 25, 2005

It's too nice outside

So spring is here and things are beginning to look up. Flowers are in bloom, tadpoles are springing to life and I'm sick. How is it that the world is waking up and I feel like the bottom of a trash bag? I soo want to revel in all that spring is finally bringing and instead I am going to bed early and taking flu meds. So much for that. Hope I feel better this weekend so that I can enjoy a quality trip to Seoul. Send hugs if you can spare a few.

P.S. There are new pics from my last two trips out of town. I was going to make a fun post about it but this will have to do. Check out the "9ah's Photos" link over there.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Did just picking someone work for you?

All right be ready this ones harsh.

It will probably offend people I know but just deal, take it with a grain of salt, whatever. But know that I'm speaking in generalities so I probably don't mean you specifically.

Why is it that married people are in such a hurry to get those of us who are past 21 and single married off? They busily talk about those that are "good catches" and "available". They inevitable butt their nose where it has no business being. It's not like I would go around telling someone that there's plenty of gyms and "you really should go work out". I don't berate people about the way they do their jobs or if they leave mail in their box for a month.

A friend made mention that it was like they thought that there were plenty of people out there that are marriable and they want us to just pick someone. To which I laughlingly responded, "Maybe we should say 'Really, so how did JUST PICKING someone work out for you?' " Guarantee that's stop the conversation really quick.

So watch out it's my new line and I'm not afraid to use it!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The IRS can suck it!

Well true to form I have avoided most everything in life due to an uncomfortable "something" that needed taking care of. In this case it was filing an extension. And I managed to delay on this thing until this very day and hour. Now that it is done I can move on to all the other things in my life that I have left to "ripen" in their own special way. Oh how I hate tax time. It's almost as bad as Valentine's Day. But not quite.

So to all of you that have been ignored I'm back and ready to post and call and generally stalk each and every one of you. You know who you are....

Friday, April 08, 2005

Cure for the common homesickness

So whenever I feel homesick I now have a new fix. Google satellite maps. Must say it's kinda creepy though...

Thursday, April 07, 2005

ISS Daily

Greg, a former cohort when I was at Yeokum Middle School, sent this in his well presented ISS Daily. I must say that it not only made me smile but encapsulated how I feel right now about life in general.

Life Lesson
I’ve learned if you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings".

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Dr. Who?

Have to say this is one of those tough posts to write, I'm not really sure how to present it other than barreling through it like some sort of medicine that has to be taken. Sadly it shouldn't be like this after all I am talking about happy albeit bittersweet memories.

But here goes, "Pinch the nose, open wide and swallow hard."

One of the few consistent, happy memories I have of time spent with my father includes watching NOVA and Dr. Who on PBS. (Right there it should be a clue that I was destined to be a dork but really what does an 8 year old know.) Anyway I remember how whenever He was around it was always something to look forward to. It never came on at a decent hour since even back then it was not really a part of popular TV. I think it may have come on after NOVA, thus the memories of the NOVA logo but not any of the show, and moonlight in the windows. But since it was late I got to stay up past any predetermined bedtime and hunker down under blankets and watch Dr. Who in his time machine even when my eyelids were so heavy with sleep that I had to squirm every few minutes to stay awake. What brings on this nostagia you ask?

Well now in 2005 they have brought the show back and I have downloaded the first few episodes. I'm hoping that the show lives up to childhood expectations of the previous Dr. Who. We shall see and if it does I will have to tip my hat to my Father and give him props for raising a proper SciFi child.

On a different note...

Crystal brought coffee from Vietnam back to Korea for me and I have to say that this is some SERIOUS stuff. It's dark, it's oily, it's thick without even trying and I love it! Charley has brought me some of his "Vietcong Tunnel Juice" before but this is definitely different. The only way I can describe it is that it is a coffee I would take up smoking for. It would just complement it well along with a ratty paged novel from some 70's beatniks. Coffee & Cigarettes anyone?

Thank GOD! Spring is coming

As I sit on my heated floor and listen to the ticking of my "new" old Mao alarm clock (direct form Beijing thank's Lupita!) and I understand what it would be like to be a snake. My beautiful bronze tan is peeling away ever so slowly while I scratch at ever part of my back that I can reach.

But the real news is that as usual I'm freaking out about work and all that is being piled upon me there. I'm freaking out so hard that I forget about all the things that I should be enjoying. Dinner with friends, suntans from vacations, spoils of shopping trips, flowers blooming, things that make me laugh out loud, love of kitties and many, many, many, many other things in life. So I suppose I need to"Accentuate the positive....."

Sunday, April 03, 2005

'Cuz I'm a tease!

So this will have to do for now.
Me completely happy to be carrying 50 pounds on my back and soon to be 22 m underwater! BTW the cuttie on my left had the most AMAZING blue eyes. Wsh you could have seen them... ; )