Monday, November 29, 2004

If you want to destroy my sweater....

Okay I'm obsessive you all know it. There are just things that I can't let go of once my mind becomes fixated on them. The current object of my obsession is sweaters. Lord only knows why but this is the chosen focus. I have a feeling it stems from the loss of so many during my move from Lee's Summit to Raytown and then the subsequent packing of all personal belongings into 3 seemingly large and yet so small suitcases in 90 degree weather. I must say you are bound to get a bit over zealous in these times and well now I suffer. And so every time I'm online I look at sweaters, when I'm on eBay I bid on sweaters, when I shop in Korea I try on sweaters and finally I just go to the blackmarket section of the overpriced department stores and buy the dumb thing.

Now I want you to know that though these Korean women are tiny little wisps they seem to have this desire for clothes that you can pad yourself down in. Maybe this is a throwback to the days of pack and run but I thought by now they would have outgrown that. Who knew.

KT Telecom

Now I realize that even before I have a computer at home I found ways to post but I am getting lazy in my "I own a computer at home" ways and have found I haven't posted in over a week. So sorry to my loyal fans and those of you F.O.B. after major surgery! NEWAY! The not writing in itself is a event blog worthy so how bout that one for starters, a?

Yeah so bout a month ago my Inet started asking me for passwords AFTER I logged in. Now really do you think that after I am already on the internet I'm gonna give you information like that? I think not! Besides I had NO clue as to what this infamous password would be since I took no part in setting up the service. So it continued for a couple of weeks getting more and more annoying each time. Well things got worse when KT then politely HA HA told me that I could not use the internet until I gave them the password but I could IM. Go figure, so since I was in the middle of a PMS induced breakdown it got ignored a couple of more days. Suddenly it was Wednesday and still no home computer use so I got on the ball for the long weekend. BUT the friggin log in comes back EVERY STINKIN TIME!! I have no idea which buttons I'm pushing' so wish it would go away! So there's that, blogger is no longer really my homepage so the guilt that often drives me is no more. How's that for a story?

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Richard Dean Anderson is HOT!

So the other night as I walked home from work I took my usual path that to most would be taken for a back alley street,not so. But I digress, as I walked home I saw a light ahead of me before an intersection with multiple shops. As I walked passed I noticed a table out with what looked like the current wares from market, some oranges, bread, kams, but not enough to sell and certainly not by candle light. So my brain is going through all the options and like a person watching an accident I kept on looking. As I stared it hit me, I'm looking at a pig face on a plate! I was taken completely aback. Realizing this was the family altar for the evening I had the urge to stop and take a picture but then also at the same time realized how completely rude that would be. So here I sit sharing the story and wondering if I will ever feel less like I am in "Lord of the Flies".

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I just need to laugh....

34 Ways to Annoy People

1. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies.
2. Sit in your yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
4.If you have a glass eye, tap on it with your pen while talking to others.
5. Sing along at the opera.
6. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all-weather conditions "to keep them tuned up."
7. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think.
8.Practice making fax and modem noises.
9. Highlight irrelevant material in scientific papers and "cc." them to your boss.
10. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.
11. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."
" Just thinkin of you Scott."
12. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears.
13. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the cartridge across the room.
14. Holler random numbers while someone is counting.
15. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."
16. Staple papers in the middle of the page.
17. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a croaking noise.
18. Honk and wave to strangers.
19. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints by the cash register.
21. type only in lowercase.
22. don t use any punctuation either
23. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.
24. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: "Do you hear that?", "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."
25. As much as possible, skip rather than walk.
26. Try playing the William Tell Overture (The Lone Ranger Theme) by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce "No, wait, I messed it up," and repeat.
27. Ask people what gender they are.
28. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.
29. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."
30. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.
31. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.
32. Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble the answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."
33. Tell your friends 4 days prior that you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood .
34. Send this list to everyone in your email address book even if they sent it to you or asked you not to send things like this.

Special thanks to:

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Nose rings come, nose rings go.

Yeah I know so I hadn't mention my new accessory to many of you since I hadn't gotten use to it myself.

So just to get the word out....

I had my nose pierced about a week and a half ago.

There now you have all been informed. No one's out of the loop. The sucky part is that after spending inane amounts of energy convincing the administration and everyone around that I had not become a different person the stupid thing gets pulled out of my nose by my sweatshirt! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

A million things are running through my head, "Should I get it redone?" "Do I wait until it heals?" "Do I do it now?" "How do I have a conversation about what happened with the piercer in Korean?" "Can they put it in a different spot?" "Is this going to be a problem again?" "Is there better jewerly to use?" and on and on and on. So here I sit without a nose ring just as I was getting used to having it.

Easy come, easy go....

Thursday, November 11, 2004

'Cuz you know you want some too.

Pepero Day

Here's a link to a little Pepero Propaganda.

Now you all know how I love random holidays thanks to Ms. Cheryl Bell but on the flip side hate corporate sponsored holidays that only desire you to purchase items and ostracize those around you that don't meet some standard we have created for gift giving.

With that in mind I would like to wish all of you a "Happy Pepero Day!". Currently a corporate sponsored holiday that is still novel and thus something I thought I'd share with y'all.

Now at this point I'm sure you are all asking, "WTHeck is Pepero and why are we celebrating it?" Short story long Pepero is a long bread stick dipped in chocolate that can range in size from 6 inches to about 12 inches. Some don't taste too bad others, well they taste like wet cardboard. And it seems to be the tradition to hand them out on Nov 11th (11/11) since all the 11's look like Pepero sticks. Other than that the only other reason is so that Lotte can boost sales once a year on some cheap cookie stuff.

As I was sitting at lunch talking this over with some of the Korean employees I found out about some of the other Korean "holidays". A month after V-Day, don't even get me started, is a holiday called "White Day" this is when all the boys get to give chocolates to the girls. "Now if you're asking yourself, "Why don't the boys give chocolate to the girls on V-day?". It's because 'only grrrrls get to give chocolate to the boys on V-day.' Brother, can you see the social implications of that one. Then so the singletons aren't left out a month after white days is "Black Noodle Day", this is when we get to eat noodles with black bean paste on them. No doubt to denote the blackness in our lives with out the comfort of another human to share it with. GIVE ME STRENGTH! Ugh so now instead of just having to deal with V-day there are two more I have to suffer through!

Enough of that, Happy Pepero Day to you all.

Woke up this morning....

Woke up this morning realizing I'd just had a dream and it was not it fact reality. The dream you ask? I was back in KC for Christmas with Maria, yes dear you made an appearance, and I was all excited because I was going to get to go to Walmart! Yeah!

Holy Cow, it's happening isn't it? I'm hallucinating I'm dreaming of WALMART! Is this all part of the acclimating thing?

Friday, November 05, 2004

Just thinkin'

So this week has been S.E.W. (spiritual emphasis week) for the high school kids lost of good stuff happening on campus, but mostly it's like taking the kids to camp for three days. Which I must say gives me flashbacks of Alliance. But yeah so a band was brought in for the week to lead worship. GREAT stuff funny part is that they were from Springfield, MO. And having them here has been wonderful. It's nice to have worship like what I had at New Beginnings and Jacobs Well.

On one had they made me really homesick because it was a group of people that I could relate to. BUT then I also realized that as nice and intersting as they were there were things about them that were the very reason that I left in the first place. Now I am struggling with the empty place that will be there yet again when they leave, no more cool worship, just the usual business. Really much more depressing in reality than it sounds on paper. Ah, yes.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Glad I'm here.

So it's 10:30 my time on the 4th of Nov and I am shaking my head and laughing at the Presidential Election results that I am seeing. It's insane! Has there ever been an election this close before? So glad that I don't have to deal with all the news fallout there. Well at least there aren't any hanging chads to worry about!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Monday night and I'm feelin....better

Well here I sit, after a blow off weekend, a slam bam grading stint on Sunday night and then a "little" planning on Sunday PM/Monday AM, on my couch listening to some St. Germain and reveling in a post-nacho munchfest. What can I say this Monday hasn't been all bad. And no I had no idea that I would miss cheesy Mexican food (no pun intended) this much. What I wouldn't give for a big ol' plate of _________ whatever with some refried beans and sour cream. It's first on the list of foods to eat when I return, after that BIG, FAT STEAK!

Anyway enough food fantasies. Today was good. I made it through a day full of teaching and meetings AND I get an email today from the Headmaster, Dr. Penland, telling us that staff dev. for Nov 8 will be "free time" YES!!!! Does anyone else want to do the happy dance??!! You all realize that my Boss just said that I had "scheduled free time" after 3 months worth of meeting filled Mondays He's giving us a FREE DAY! It's sad that so little will make me so happy.

So yeah that's me right about now, better than I felt on Friday.

BTW~In tryin to get in touch with my more spiritual side I'm looking into yet another trip to a monastery want to get some perspective and get into the rhythm that is present there. Currently looking into Taize, France. Could be the beginning to a very good trek through Europe.